2. elokuuta 2012

208_5 208_4 208_7 naamakuvia jee ja hennesin miestenpuolelta valkonen t-paita jota vähän muokkailin kivemmaks :)

2 kommenttia:

  1. hey, i just discovered your blog, but i absolutely love it. everything-from the layout to the killer sense of style-is perfect. i especially love this look. you are stunning. that skull distressed t-shirt is so rad, and i love that you kept the styling simple with those denim shorts. you have such an eviable style-edgy but still so chic. i am your newest fan. could you check out my blog at www.rogue-collection.blogspot.com as well? i would love to follow each other. thanks:)

    1. thank you so much for your comment! im speechless and very flattered:)
      i will check out your blog!
